This morning, we ate breakfast then walked about a half mile down the road to the Pharmacia.
This is where we get our antibiotics for the year each time we go.
They are so inexpensive!
We also grabbed bracelets for the granddaughters and t-shirts for the grandsons...
Shirts for the boys at home.
Darling coffee mugs - hand painted of course.
Our annual turtle - also hand painted.
And some Coca Light!
There are ponds of turtles outside of the Pharmacia.
There were a few mamas and babies this year.
I can't get enough of them!
When we got back to the resort, Mr. Peacock was showing off.
Funny story about Mr. Peacock...
He has five hens at the resort that he is completely uninterested in.
He prefers the pigeons.
We got a little bit more pool time before we went for our couples massage.
It was three hours of Heaven.
We had a half hour in a sauna, then swimming in a natural spring.
80 minutes of massage.
Finally, twenty minutes in a jacuzzi with sparkling drinks and relaxation!
After that incredible afternoon, we went to the new seafood restaurant at the resort for fish tacos and a late lunch!
As always, this view!!!!
Then our nightly sunset trek on the beach.