Thursday, March 6, 2025

Day Four - Puerto Vallarta

This morning, we ate breakfast then walked about a half mile down the road to the Pharmacia.
This is where we get our antibiotics for the year each time we go.
They are so inexpensive!
We also grabbed bracelets for the granddaughters and t-shirts for the grandsons...
Shirts for the boys at home.
Darling coffee mugs - hand painted of course.
Our annual turtle - also hand painted.
And some Coca Light!
There are ponds of turtles outside of the Pharmacia.
There were a few mamas and babies this year.
I can't get enough of them!

When we got back to the resort, Mr. Peacock was showing off.
Funny story about Mr. Peacock...
He has five hens at the resort that he is completely uninterested in.
He prefers the pigeons.

We got a little bit more pool time before we went for our couples massage.

It was three hours of Heaven.
We had a half hour in a sauna, then swimming in a natural spring.
80 minutes of massage.
Finally, twenty minutes in a jacuzzi with sparkling drinks and relaxation!

After that incredible afternoon, we went to the new seafood restaurant at the resort for fish tacos and a late lunch!
As always, this view!!!!

Then our nightly sunset trek on the beach.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Day Three - Puerto Vallarta

Day Three was another day of relaxation.
Exactly what we both needed.
I got up early and went down to the gym, then back upstairs to meet Burke for breakfast by the ocean.
I never tire of this view...

We took our first beach walk of the day right after breakfast.
There were pelicans fishing in the surf.
Then, they found some fish on the shore and were coming up and eating them whole.
I love birds.
It was so fun to watch them!

This big guy wanted to go for a swim so badly.
He has been around for a while!
He's about four feet long and just a wise, slow old guy.
One of the workers came and clapped his hands twice.
With that, Mr. Iguana scampered away to his tree in the shade.

After hours of pool time and reading my book, we went up to change for dinner.
We chose the Mexican restaurant at the resort on this night.
We ate with good friends and had great conversation.

Then off to our nightly sunset beach stroll.
The sound of the waves.
The site of the sun going down for a little siesta.
The sand in my toes.
It's heavenly.

And my favorite human.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Day Two - Puerto Vallarta

Day Two was our first full day!
I woke up & I went down to the gym.
When I got back up to the room, Burke was ready to go to breakfast!
The buffet is on the ocean.
Basically everything is.
Delicious fresh fruit and homemade granola.
Coca Light.

Then to the pool we went!

Yonni was there!
Big hugs for our favorite pool server.
He brought me a lava flow and I was in Heaven.
Until we did water aerobics.
She kicked our booties!

This guy, here.
He's so funny.
He has five hens at the resort.
However, he pays them no attention.
Instead, he prefers the seagulls and pigeons!!!

Fish tacos.
Shrimp tacos.
Guacamole and chips.

Late afternoon, we got ready for dinner.
Dinner at the italian restaurant was delicious.

Then, our walk on the beach for the sunset.
My absolute favorite thing!


Monday, March 3, 2025

Day One - Puerto Vallarta

We left on a jet plane last Tuesday morning.
It was mostly a travel day...
Three hour flight, then customs...
I am SO grateful for the SLC International Airport, especially when we visit other airports that are international, but not as developed as our big airport.
Customs takes a minute.
Everything takes a minute!
We got out of the PV airport around 4 PM, then loaded into a bus and headed for our resort.
It's a very short drive from airport to resort, which is lovely.

It felt like coming home, really.
I love this resort and I mostly love the people there.
Hugs from so many as we walked into the lobby.
We weren't there last year (we went to Cabo), yet these people remember us and show so much love.

We unloaded our suitcase, breathed in the salty and humid air, changed our clothes and headed downstairs for sushi.
Then, we headed down the 20 yards to the beach and just soaked up the ocean and the sand, the birds flying, the waves crashing, the sun setting. 
I love this place.
It is my happy place.
I have no worries.
My brain loves it so much.
It is just stunning.
We headed back up to the lounge and chatted with Burke's co-workers, and our dear friends, while listening to music and sharing cocktails and Coca Light.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Big Sister

I absolutely love watching Kehlani be a big sissy!
She is loving, nurturing, kind, patient, fun, and so sweet.
She is the sweetest in every way.
I love these girlies!!!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Drama Queen

Isis's parents are amazing at celebrating everyone's birthdays!
Jackson made her birthday cake, though!
He noted that it says, "Drama Queen."
I LOVE that she loves Strawberry Shortcake.
Me too, Sis!
They are my favorite coloring books!
Love this girl!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Cooper is 16!!!

Boo is 16!
Cooper Stephen is 16 today.
We will get his license when we get back from Mexico.
Cooper is athletic, a friend to everyone, smart, hard-working, and always a gentleman.
He makes sure I am never walking alone.
He has a hundred friends.
He loves his sports and his 49ers, Jazz, and Angels.
Cooper is a great kid, and I'm so grateful he's ours!